Hijab Style With Crop Top Combination - In the last 2014, crop top was used by many hijabers to appear stylish. Even many designers add crop top accent in their latest draft. Altough 2014 ended and 2015 is coming, mix and match the hijab style with crop top combination is being favorite. We can find many hijabers who combine crop top for their style.
Now, crop top comes with many cut, motif, and shape. Hijaber can mix and match crop top with many styles. Such as skirt, pant, long dress, etc. And we can used it to appear with many impression style, feminine, sporty, casual, and glammour. To keep syar'i, recommended to you to wear long crop top or crop top wih wide shape. But if you want to wear short crop top, just wear it as the complement for your hijab style.
Here are some crop top combination which can be your inspiration.
Crop top combination for feminine impression
Short crop top combination to complete the hijab style
Crop top combination for simple hijab style
Crop top combination with pant for casual hijab style
Long crop top with pant combination for stylish hijab style